Real Estate Analysis

Yandex.Realty has an archive of property ads for St. Petersburg and surrounding areas covering the past few years. Your mission is to figure out how to determine the market value of real estate. You'll need to define parameters that make it possible to create an automated system capable of detecting anomalies and fraud.

There are two types of data available for every apartment for sale. The first is user input. The second was calculated automatically based on map data. This includes the distance from the city center, the airport, and the nearest park or body of water.

Step 1. Open the data file and have a look at the general information

In [135]:
# import libraries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [136]:
# read all input data
data_real_estate = pd.read_csv("real_estate_data_us.csv", sep='\t')
In [137]:
# brief information about input data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 23699 entries, 0 to 23698
Data columns (total 22 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   date_posted        23699 non-null  object 
 1   days_listed        20518 non-null  float64
 2   last_price         23699 non-null  float64
 3   bedrooms           23699 non-null  int64  
 4   kitchen_area       21421 non-null  float64
 5   living_area        21796 non-null  float64
 6   total_area         23699 non-null  float64
 7   balconies          12180 non-null  float64
 8   ceiling_height     14504 non-null  float64
 9   floors_total       23613 non-null  float64
 10  floor              23699 non-null  int64  
 11  total_images       23699 non-null  int64  
 12  bike_parking       2775 non-null   object 
 13  is_studio          23699 non-null  bool   
 14  is_open_plan       23699 non-null  bool   
 15  locality_name      23650 non-null  object 
 16  airport_dist       18157 non-null  float64
 17  city_center_dist   18180 non-null  float64
 18  park_dist          8079 non-null   float64
 19  parks_within_3000  18181 non-null  float64
 20  pond_dist          9110 non-null   float64
 21  ponds_within_3000  18181 non-null  float64
dtypes: bool(2), float64(14), int64(3), object(3)
memory usage: 3.7+ MB
In [138]:
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... bike_parking is_studio is_open_plan locality_name airport_dist city_center_dist park_dist parks_within_3000 pond_dist ponds_within_3000
0 2019-03-07T00:00:00 NaN 260000.0 3 25.0 51.0 108.0 NaN 2.70 16.0 ... NaN False False Saint Petersburg 18863.0 16028.0 482.0 1.0 755.0 2.0
1 2018-12-04T00:00:00 81.0 67000.0 1 11.0 18.6 40.4 2.0 NaN 11.0 ... NaN False False Shushary village 12817.0 18603.0 NaN 0.0 NaN 0.0
2 2015-08-20T00:00:00 558.0 103920.0 2 8.3 34.3 56.0 0.0 NaN 5.0 ... NaN False False Saint Petersburg 21741.0 13933.0 90.0 1.0 574.0 2.0
3 2015-07-24T00:00:00 424.0 1298000.0 3 NaN NaN 159.0 0.0 NaN 14.0 ... NaN False False Saint Petersburg 28098.0 6800.0 84.0 2.0 234.0 3.0
4 2018-06-19T00:00:00 121.0 200000.0 2 41.0 32.0 100.0 NaN 3.03 14.0 ... NaN False False Saint Petersburg 31856.0 8098.0 112.0 2.0 48.0 1.0

5 rows × 22 columns


There are 23699 rows and 22 columns. Some general points without close inspection:

  1. date_posted has type string not date need to do something.
  2. days_listed has type float not integer easy to change. 20518 rows < 23699 need to do something.
  3. last_price OK
  4. bedrooms OK
  5. kitchen_area 21421 rows < 23699 need to do something
  6. living_area 21796 rows < 23699 need to do something
  7. total_area OK. question why total area is known for all data in conrast for kitchen and living area
  8. balconies 12180 < 23699 need to do something
  9. ceiling_height 14504 < 23699 need to do something
  10. floors_total has type float not integer easy to change. 23613 < 23699 need to do something
  11. floor OK
  12. total_images OK
  13. bike_parking 2775 << 23699 need to do something
  14. is_studio OK
  15. is_open_plan OK
  16. locality_name 23650 < 23699 need to do something
  17. airport_dist 18157 < 23699 need to do something
  18. city_center_dist 18180 < 23699 need to do something
  19. park_dist 8079 < 23699 need to do something
  20. parks_within_3000 has type float not integer easy to change. 18181 < 23699 need to do something
  21. pond_dist 9110 < 23699 need to do something
  22. ponds_within_3000 has type float not integer easy to change. 18181 < 23699 need to do something

Step 2. Data preprocessing

  • Determine and study the missing values:
    • A practical replacement can be presumed for some missing values. For example, if the user doesn’t enter the number of balconies, then there probably aren’t any. The correct course of action here is to replace these missing values with 0. There’s no suitable replacement value for other data types. In this case, leave these values blank. A missing value is also a key indicator that mustn’t be hidden.
    • Fill in the missing values where appropriate. Explain why you’ve chosen to fill the missing values in these particular columns and how you selected the values.
    • Describe the factors that may have led up to the missing values.
  • Convert the data to the required types:
    • Indicate the columns where the data types have to be changed and explain why.

1. date_posted

  1. date_posted is a date; so I convert strings to datetime64[ns] values
  2. There is no any missing values
In [139]:
data_real_estate['date_posted'] = pd.to_datetime(data_real_estate['date_posted'], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

2. days_listed

  1. days_listed is a number of days; it is countable (natural numbers), so it is better to use integer_type
  2. (comment) but there are None-values; I can't directly convert this column to int using df.astype(); I tried, really, it doesn't work :)
  3. (comment) I can't use try:except: and change type of each row with int(); because it doesn't change type of data in column; I tried :)
  4. I see here only two solutions:
     a. Use fillna() with, for instance, 0-value; zeros aren't used here, so it would be unique; then use astype('int').
     b. convert None-values to np.nan; then use astype('int').
    I choose 4a.
In [140]:
data_real_estate['days_listed'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
print('Number of zeros is {:}'.format(data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] == 0]['days_listed'].count()))
Number of zeros is 3181
In [141]:
# convert to integer
data_real_estate['days_listed'] = data_real_estate['days_listed'].astype('int')

3. kitchen_area, living_area

There are a little number of empty cells for these columns.
I could replace None-values with some median number for group divided by total_area. Why total_area? Apparantly there should be a good correlation between total_area and kitchen_area, living_area. The larger the area of part of the apartment, the larger the area of the entire apartment.

In [142]:
# let's see is correlation is good or not
x = data_real_estate.living_area
y = data_real_estate.total_area

x = data_real_estate.kitchen_area
y = data_real_estate.total_area
Text(0, 0.5, 'total_area')

We can see that figure total_area from living_area is not so scattered. It is narrower than function from living_area.
I think the best way is to find a linear function which gives the best approximation. Thus one can find a good tool to recover none-values in living and kitchen rooms. But at the moment we didn't study this. So... I can just create groups in living_area and find median in each groups.

In [143]:
# determine a function to use apply() later to create new cathegory of area
def fun_area_cathegory(row):
    area = row.total_area
    step = (max_total_area - 0.) / num_area_category
    for k in range(num_area_category):
        if k*step<= area < (k+1)*step:
            return 'area_' + str(k)
    return 'area_' + str(num_area_category)
In [144]:
# create a new area_category describing total_area
num_area_category = 20
max_total_area = max(data_real_estate['total_area'])
data_real_estate['area_category'] = data_real_estate.apply(fun_area_cathegory, axis=1)

One can see that there is a serious disadvantage of this approach. Because data are so scattered, we had not detailed solution in the beginning close to zero. I can (a) increase number of area category or (b) do step less closer to the zero. But I think the solution is good enough.
Another thing is that I used two global parameters num_area_category and max_total_area in function. I don't understand is it OK? or I should find a way to avoid using them.

In [145]:
# save median values for each group for living area
living_area_cathegory_median = data_real_estate.groupby('area_category')['living_area'].median().sort_values()

# define function to use apply() later to update area of living room
def area_living_update(row):
    area = row['living_area']
    area_cathegory = row['area_category']
    if not(pd.isnull(area)):
        return area
        for k in range(num_area_category):
            if area_cathegory == living_area_cathegory_median.index[k]:
                return living_area_cathegory_median[k]

# update column if living area
data_real_estate['living_area'] = data_real_estate.apply(area_living_update, axis=1)
In [146]:
# save median values for each group for kitchen area
kitchen_area_cathegory_median = data_real_estate.groupby('area_category')['kitchen_area'].median().sort_values()

# define function to use apply() later to update kitchen area
def area_kitchen_update(row):
    area = row['kitchen_area']
    area_cathegory = row['area_category']
    if not(pd.isnull(area)):
        return area
        for k in range(num_area_category):
            if area_cathegory == kitchen_area_cathegory_median.index[k]:
                return kitchen_area_cathegory_median[k]

# update column if living area
data_real_estate['kitchen_area'] = data_real_estate.apply(area_kitchen_update, axis=1)

4. balconies

In [147]:
# if the user doesn’t enter the number of balconies, then there probably aren’t any.
# The correct course of action here is to replace these missing values with 0.
data_real_estate['balconies'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
In [148]:
# convert to integer
data_real_estate['balconies'] = data_real_estate['balconies'].astype('int')

5. ceiling_height

Ceiling height doesn't strong depend on other parameters. Approximately 50% of data is abscent. I will not update this column. There is no any good reason to do update.

In [149]:
print('Number of unique values: {:}'.format(len(data_real_estate.ceiling_height.unique())))
Number of unique values: 184

6. floors_total

In [150]:
# show unique values
array([16., 11.,  5., 14., 12., 26., 24., 27.,  9.,  6., 17., 25.,  3.,
       23., 19., 18.,  4., 22.,  8.,  2., 10.,  7., 13., 15., nan, 20.,
       28., 36., 21., 35., 34., 60.,  1., 29., 33., 52., 37.])
In [151]:
# I don't see zeros. I will temporarily fillna() with zeroes. I want to do it to convert float values with integer.
data_real_estate['floors_total'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
In [152]:
# convert to integer
data_real_estate['floors_total'] = data_real_estate['floors_total'].astype('int')
In [153]:
# show all None (now zeros) values, maybe I will see how to update this column
data_real_estate.query('floors_total == 0').head(10)
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... is_studio is_open_plan locality_name airport_dist city_center_dist park_dist parks_within_3000 pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category
186 2018-10-02 49 232800.0 2 12.00 30.80 65.20 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 39197.0 12373.0 123.0 1.0 NaN 0.0 area_1
237 2016-11-23 251 48761.0 1 8.30 20.75 28.10 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 22041.0 17369.0 NaN 0.0 374.0 1.0 area_0
457 2015-08-01 727 195767.0 2 10.63 38.40 70.80 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 37364.0 8322.0 309.0 2.0 706.0 2.0 area_1
671 2017-04-06 123 121024.0 3 16.80 47.10 93.60 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 22041.0 17369.0 NaN 0.0 374.0 1.0 area_2
1757 2017-04-22 77 72000.0 1 8.30 18.00 39.00 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 22735.0 11618.0 835.0 1.0 652.0 1.0 area_0
1930 2016-05-13 90 195000.0 2 9.00 35.00 66.77 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 39886.0 10660.0 2276.0 1.0 244.0 3.0 area_1
2392 2017-06-29 48 107915.0 2 9.00 29.00 53.00 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 43074.0 10820.0 NaN 0.0 NaN 0.0 area_1
2846 2016-09-21 307 46500.0 1 8.30 19.40 27.80 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 22041.0 17369.0 NaN 0.0 374.0 1.0 area_0
2952 2019-04-23 0 130000.0 1 12.30 22.20 54.30 0 NaN 0 ... False False Saint Petersburg 23606.0 3148.0 NaN 0.0 NaN 0.0 area_1
3031 2018-03-27 231 128000.0 2 12.00 32.00 56.70 0 NaN 0 ... False False Kudrovo NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN area_1

10 rows × 23 columns

Nothing special I can see here. It is hard to reveal some dependences using only data-table. Maybe later I will see something interesting.

7. bike_parking, locality_name, airport_dist, city_center_dist, park_dist and pond_dist

Nothing to do. There is no some data. But I can't just fill None by random values.

8. parks_within_3000 and ponds_within_3000

In [154]:
[ 1.  0.  2. nan  3.]
[ 2.  0.  3.  1. nan]
In [155]:
# I don't see 10. I will temporarily fillna() with 10. I want to do it to convert float values with integer.
data_real_estate['parks_within_3000'].fillna(10, inplace=True)
data_real_estate['ponds_within_3000'].fillna(10, inplace=True)
In [156]:
data_real_estate['parks_within_3000'] = data_real_estate['parks_within_3000'].astype('int')
data_real_estate['ponds_within_3000'] = data_real_estate['ponds_within_3000'].astype('int')
In [157]:
data_real_estate[data_real_estate['parks_within_3000'] == 10]['parks_within_3000'] = None
data_real_estate[data_real_estate['ponds_within_3000'] == 10]['ponds_within_3000'] = None
C:\Users\tyala\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
C:\Users\tyala\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

FAIL! While there is None, this column can't be integer.

9. bedrooms

I noticed that there are several appartements with 0-values in bedrooms column
I think that I can do something with this data.

In [158]:
data_real_estate.query('bedrooms == 0').head()
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... is_studio is_open_plan locality_name airport_dist city_center_dist park_dist parks_within_3000 pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category
144 2017-03-30 181 49000.0 0 8.3 15.50 27.00 2 NaN 24 ... True False Murino village NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN 10 area_0
349 2017-09-27 45 46400.0 0 8.3 17.00 25.00 0 NaN 14 ... False True Kudrovo village NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN 10 area_0
440 2018-03-12 64 49600.0 0 8.3 24.75 27.11 2 NaN 17 ... True False Saint Petersburg 38171.0 15015.0 NaN 0 982.0 2 area_0
508 2017-03-28 430 67500.0 0 8.3 24.30 34.40 1 NaN 26 ... False True Pargolovo village 53115.0 19292.0 NaN 0 593.0 1 area_0
608 2019-02-20 29 37000.0 0 8.3 18.00 25.00 0 NaN 10 ... True False Shushary village NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN 10 area_0

5 rows × 23 columns

In [159]:
# I have noticed that total_area is rather small
# build a histogram
data_real_estate.query('bedrooms == 0')['total_area'].hist(bins=30)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2dba3dc48>

Really most ot this data has relatively small total area.

In [160]:
# group by number of bedrooms and define median total area in each group
bedrooms_area_const = data_real_estate.query('bedrooms != 0').groupby('bedrooms')['total_area'].median()
1      36.56
2      53.00
3      73.00
4      99.30
5     146.45
6     184.30
7     214.00
8     235.70
9     300.95
10    272.60
11    188.90
12    900.00
14    304.20
15    590.00
16    270.00
19    374.60
Name: total_area, dtype: float64
In [161]:
bedrooms_area_const[1] * 1.1
In [162]:
# As expected appartments with only 1-bedroom has small total area below 40 m2
# Now I have foundation to do update
def update_bedrooms(row):
    beds = row['bedrooms']
    area = row['total_area']
    if beds != 0:
        return beds
        if area < (bedrooms_area_const[1] + bedrooms_area_const[2]) / 2:
            return 1
        elif area < (bedrooms_area_const[2] + bedrooms_area_const[3]) / 2:
            return 2
        elif area < (bedrooms_area_const[3] + bedrooms_area_const[4]) / 2:
            return 3
        elif area < (bedrooms_area_const[4] + bedrooms_area_const[5]) / 2:
            return 4
    return 0

data_real_estate['bedrooms'] = data_real_estate.apply(update_bedrooms, axis=1)
In [163]:
data_real_estate.query('bedrooms == 0')
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... is_studio is_open_plan locality_name airport_dist city_center_dist park_dist parks_within_3000 pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category
19392 2018-07-26 90 1420000.0 0 34.365 222.0 371.0 0 3.57 7 ... False True Saint Petersburg 25257.0 6060.0 761.0 1 584.0 1 area_8

1 rows × 23 columns

Last appartement has 371 m2. In fact it is hard to understand how many bedrooms are in it. But it is the only value. Maybe it will not be a hard mistake to assign some random value.

In [164]:
data_real_estate.loc[19392, 'bedrooms'] = 19

I have changed some types and fill in some columns None-values.

Step 3. Make calculations and add the following entries to the table:

  • the price per square meter
  • the day of the week, month, and year that the ad was published
  • which floor the apartment is on (first, last, or other)
  • the ratio between the living space and the total area, as well as between the kitchen space and the total area.
In [165]:
# the price per square meter
data_real_estate['price2sq'] = data_real_estate['last_price'] / data_real_estate['total_area']

# the day of the week, month, and year that the ad was published
data_real_estate['day_of_week'] = data_real_estate['date_posted'].dt.weekday
data_real_estate['month'] = data_real_estate['date_posted'].dt.month
data_real_estate['year'] = data_real_estate['date_posted'].dt.year

# which floor the apartment is on (first, last, or other)
def fun_floor_cathegory(row):
    floor = row['floor']
    total_floor = row['floors_total']
    if floor == 1:
        return 'first'
    elif floor == total_floor:
        return 'last'
        return 'other'
data_real_estate['floor_cathegory'] = data_real_estate.apply(fun_floor_cathegory, axis=1)

# the ratio between the living space and the total area, as well as between the kitchen space and the total area
data_real_estate['ratio_living_area'] = data_real_estate['living_area'] / data_real_estate['total_area']
data_real_estate['ratio_kitchen_area'] = data_real_estate['kitchen_area'] / data_real_estate['total_area']
In [166]:
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
0 2019-03-07 0 260000.0 3 25.0 51.0 108.0 0 2.70 16 ... 755.0 2 area_2 2407.407407 3 3 2019 other 0.472222 0.231481
1 2018-12-04 81 67000.0 1 11.0 18.6 40.4 2 NaN 11 ... NaN 0 area_0 1658.415842 1 12 2018 first 0.460396 0.272277
2 2015-08-20 558 103920.0 2 8.3 34.3 56.0 0 NaN 5 ... 574.0 2 area_1 1855.714286 3 8 2015 other 0.612500 0.148214
3 2015-07-24 424 1298000.0 3 18.8 91.9 159.0 0 NaN 14 ... 234.0 3 area_3 8163.522013 4 7 2015 other 0.577987 0.118239
4 2018-06-19 121 200000.0 2 41.0 32.0 100.0 0 3.03 14 ... 48.0 1 area_2 2000.000000 1 6 2018 other 0.320000 0.410000

5 rows × 30 columns

I have created new parameters to analyze them below.

Step 4. Conduct some exploratory data analysis

  • Carefully investigate the following parameters: square area, price, number of rooms, and ceiling height. Plot a histogram for each parameter.
  • Examine the time it's taken to sell the apartment and plot a histogram. Calculate the mean and median and explain the average time it usually takes to complete a sale. When can a sale be considered to have happened rather quickly or taken an extra long time?
  • Remove rare and outlying values and describe the patterns you've discovered.
  • Which factors have had the biggest influence on an apartment’s price? Examine whether the value depends on the total square area, number of rooms, floor (top or bottom), or the proximity to the city center area. Also check whether the publication date has any effect on the price: specifically, day of the week, month, and year. Note that using scatter plot is preferable to hexbin. If you do decide to use hexbin, please use scatter plot too, and then compare the results. It is also recommended to check the hexbin documentation and carefully study its parameters.
  • Select the 10 localities with the largest number of ads then calculate the average price per square meter in these localities. Determine which ones have the highest and lowest housing prices. You can find this data by name in the ’locality_name’ column.
  • Thoroughly look at apartment offers: Each apartment has information about the distance to the city center. Select apartments in Saint Petersburg (‘locality_name’). Your task is to pinpoint which area is considered to be in the city center. In order to do that, create a column with the distance to the city center in km and round to the nearest whole number. Next, calculate the average price for each kilometer and plot a graph to display how prices are affected by the distance to the city center. Find a place on the graph where it shifts significantly. That's the city center border.
  • Select all the apartments in the city center and examine correlations between the following parameters: total area, price, number of rooms, ceiling height. Also identify the factors that affect an apartment’s price: number of rooms, floor, distance to the city center, and ad publication date. Draw your conclusions. Are they different from the overall deductions about the entire city?

Step 4.1

Carefully investigate the following parameters: square area, price, number of rooms, and ceiling height. Plot a histogram for each parameter.

In [167]:
# investigate total_area; histogram of total_area
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2d1f1fc48>
In [168]:
# I see that there is extremely high value of total area
# find top-10 high values
12401    495.0
15016    500.0
5893     500.0
8018     507.0
4237     517.0
5358     590.0
15651    618.0
3117     631.0
12859    631.2
19540    900.0
Name: total_area, dtype: float64
In [169]:
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
12401 2017-06-19 14 1830000.0 7 25.0 347.5 495.0 0 4.65 7 ... NaN 0 area_11 3696.969697 0 6 2017 last 0.702020 0.050505
15016 2016-01-13 303 3000000.0 4 32.5 332.0 500.0 0 3.20 7 ... 531.0 3 area_11 6000.000000 2 1 2016 last 0.664000 0.065000
5893 2017-05-31 50 4600000.0 6 40.0 332.0 500.0 0 NaN 7 ... 198.0 2 area_11 9200.000000 2 5 2017 last 0.664000 0.080000
8018 2015-12-17 1078 1680000.0 5 45.5 301.5 507.0 1 4.45 7 ... NaN 0 area_11 3313.609467 3 12 2015 last 0.594675 0.089744
4237 2017-10-14 0 1000000.0 7 22.0 332.0 517.0 0 NaN 4 ... 540.0 2 area_11 1934.235977 5 10 2017 other 0.642166 0.042553
5358 2019-02-14 14 1300000.0 15 100.0 409.0 590.0 0 3.50 6 ... NaN 0 area_13 2203.389831 3 2 2019 other 0.693220 0.169492
15651 2017-12-18 111 6000000.0 7 70.0 258.0 618.0 0 3.40 7 ... 198.0 2 area_13 9708.737864 0 12 2017 other 0.417476 0.113269
3117 2019-03-30 0 2800000.0 7 60.0 322.3 631.0 0 NaN 5 ... 210.0 2 area_14 4437.400951 5 3 2019 last 0.510777 0.095087
12859 2019-04-09 0 2800000.0 7 19.5 322.3 631.2 1 3.90 4 ... 210.0 2 area_14 4435.994930 1 4 2019 last 0.510615 0.030894
19540 2017-12-06 106 8400000.0 12 112.0 409.7 900.0 0 2.80 25 ... 318.0 2 area_20 9333.333333 2 12 2017 last 0.455222 0.124444

10 rows × 30 columns

It seems like these high values are correct. It is not a typo because price per square is vary from 1900 to 9500 and it is OK.

In [170]:
# Let's see how many appartments under 200 m^2
print('Rate of appartments with area under 200m2 {:.2f}'.format(
    data_real_estate.query('total_area < 200').shape[0] / data_real_estate.shape[0]))
Rate of appartments with area under 200m2 0.99
In [171]:
# let's look detailed histogram of total_area excluding extremely values
data_real_estate['total_area'].hist(bins=20, range=(0,200))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2dea45c88>

Histogram looks like Poisson distribution. There is a high peak at the begining and long tail.
It is not a surprise, because total_area is a descrete parameter and we record data for some period of time.
Most of values are in range (37.5, 50.0]. I don't see extraordinary values.

In [172]:
# let's look detailed histogram of total_area excluding extremely values
data_real_estate['total_area'].hist(bins=200, range=(0,200))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2dbf44108>

It is not a horror to find this SAW-style histogram. Houses are of a typical construction and appartments has typical areas.

It seems like extremely high values are correct. Price per square of this appartments is vary from 1900 to 9500 and it is OK.
Overwhelming majority (99%) of appartments have total area under 200m2.
Histogram looks like Poisson distribution. Most of values are in range (37.5, 50.0].

In [173]:
# investigate a price
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2d167d7c8>
In [174]:
print('Maximum price is:',data_real_estate['last_price'].max())
print('Appartment with the highest total area has price:',
Maximum price is: 15260000.0
Appartment with the highest total area has price: 8400000.0
In [175]:
# It is unbelievable that maximum price nearly two times higher than the price of apartment with the greatest total area
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
15651 2017-12-18 111 6000000.0 7 70.000 258.0 618.0 0 3.4 7 ... 198.0 2 area_13 9708.737864 0 12 2017 other 0.417476 0.113269
1436 2018-04-04 233 6600000.0 3 40.000 95.0 190.0 0 3.5 7 ... 285.0 3 area_4 34736.842105 2 4 2018 other 0.500000 0.210526
14706 2016-02-20 393 8026000.0 5 24.000 204.0 401.0 3 NaN 9 ... 478.0 1 area_8 20014.962594 5 2 2016 last 0.508728 0.059850
19540 2017-12-06 106 8400000.0 12 112.000 409.7 900.0 0 2.8 25 ... 318.0 2 area_20 9333.333333 2 12 2017 last 0.455222 0.124444
12971 2017-09-30 33 15260000.0 7 34.365 250.0 400.0 2 NaN 10 ... 756.0 3 area_8 38150.000000 5 9 2017 last 0.625000 0.085913

5 rows × 30 columns

In [176]:
# I think that real price is 1 526 000 rather than  15 260 000. 
print('Price per square for this extra expensive appartment is :',
     '. It is too high.')
print('Median value Price per square is:',data_real_estate['price2sq'].median())
print('Average value Price per square is: {:.1f}'.format(data_real_estate['price2sq'].mean()))
Price per square for this extra expensive appartment is : 38150.0 . It is too high.
Median value Price per square is: 1900.0
Average value Price per square is: 1988.4
In [177]:
data_real_estate['last_price'].hist(bins=100, range=[0, 1e6])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2de1c7c88>
In [178]:
data_real_estate['last_price'].hist(bins=100, range=[0, 4e5])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2de8168c8>

I think I should clear data with this extraordinary prices. The best way to filter data by price per square

In [179]:
# number of rooms
print('Maximum number of rooms is:',data_real_estate['bedrooms'].max())
Maximum number of rooms is: 19
In [180]:
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
20829 2016-03-31 95 573180.0 14 25.900 168.3 245.4 0 NaN 4 ... 118.0 2 area_5 2335.696822 3 3 2016 other 0.685819 0.105542
5358 2019-02-14 14 1300000.0 15 100.000 409.0 590.0 0 3.50 6 ... NaN 0 area_13 2203.389831 3 2 2019 other 0.693220 0.169492
18848 2015-03-02 1365 570000.0 16 13.000 180.0 270.0 1 3.00 4 ... NaN 0 area_6 2111.111111 0 3 2015 last 0.666667 0.048148
19392 2018-07-26 90 1420000.0 19 34.365 222.0 371.0 0 3.57 7 ... 584.0 1 area_8 3827.493261 3 7 2018 other 0.598383 0.092628
14498 2018-06-09 114 645000.0 19 27.600 264.5 374.6 0 NaN 5 ... 548.0 2 area_8 1721.836626 5 6 2018 other 0.706086 0.073679

5 rows × 30 columns

In [181]:
# histogram
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2ca76ef48>
In [182]:
# histogram
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2def75308>

I don't see anything special. The most representative number of rooms are 1, 2 and 3. I expected to see such a result.

In [183]:
# ceiling height
print('Minimum ceiling height is:',data_real_estate['ceiling_height'].min())
Minimum ceiling height is: 1.0

I know this guys :) But I think they live in New Zeland not Saint Petersburg. It must be a mistake or typo.

In [184]:
print('Maximum ceiling height is:',data_real_estate['ceiling_height'].max())
Maximum ceiling height is: 100.0

Without any doubts ents found their houses. :) It is a mistake or a typo.

In [185]:
print('Median ceiling height:',data_real_estate['ceiling_height'].median())
print('Average ceiling height: {:.2f}'.format(data_real_estate['ceiling_height'].mean()))
Median ceiling height: 2.65
Average ceiling height: 2.77
In [186]:
data_real_estate.query('ceiling_height == ceiling_height').sort_values('ceiling_height', ascending=False).head()
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
22869 2018-07-25 19 300000.0 1 11.0 14.0 25.0 5 100.0 5 ... 30.0 3 area_0 12000.000000 2 7 2018 last 0.560000 0.440000
22336 2019-04-05 0 199980.0 2 16.5 55.5 92.4 4 32.0 6 ... 511.0 3 area_2 2164.285714 4 4 2019 other 0.600649 0.178571
3148 2018-11-12 0 58000.0 3 8.0 53.0 75.0 0 32.0 3 ... NaN 10 area_1 773.333333 0 11 2018 other 0.706667 0.106667
21377 2017-04-18 61 98000.0 1 11.0 37.7 42.0 2 27.5 24 ... NaN 0 area_0 2333.333333 1 4 2017 other 0.897619 0.261905
20478 2017-07-18 429 160000.0 1 10.0 22.0 45.0 1 27.0 4 ... 449.0 3 area_1 3555.555556 1 7 2017 other 0.488889 0.222222

5 rows × 30 columns

More likely 27.5 could be 2.75; 27.0 could be 2.7. It is True especially since these appartments has typical total area for 1-room appartment.
I will update this data using apply(). This way is easier to make an automatical one.

In [187]:
def ceiling_height_update(row):
    ceiling_height = row['ceiling_height']
    if ceiling_height == 32.0:
        return 3.20
    elif ceiling_height == 27.5:
        return 2.75
    elif ceiling_height == 27.0:
        return 2.70
    elif ceiling_height == 26.5:
        return 2.65
    elif ceiling_height == 26.0:
        return 2.60
    elif ceiling_height == 25.0:
        return 2.50
    elif ceiling_height == 24.0:
        return 2.40
        return ceiling_height
In [188]:
data_real_estate['ceiling_height']=data_real_estate.apply(ceiling_height_update, axis=1)
In [189]:
data_real_estate.query('ceiling_height == ceiling_height').sort_values('ceiling_height', ascending=False).head()
date_posted days_listed last_price bedrooms kitchen_area living_area total_area balconies ceiling_height floors_total ... pond_dist ponds_within_3000 area_category price2sq day_of_week month year floor_cathegory ratio_living_area ratio_kitchen_area
22869 2018-07-25 19 300000.0 1 11.0 14.0 25.0 5 100.0 5 ... 30.0 3 area_0 12000.000000 2 7 2018 last 0.560000 0.440000
20507 2018-02-19 40 119000.0 2 13.0 35.0 60.0 1 22.6 14 ... NaN 0 area_1 1983.333333 0 2 2018 other 0.583333 0.216667
17496 2019-02-19 0 134000.0 3 12.0 53.2 92.9 5 20.0 17 ... NaN 0 area_2 1442.411195 1 2 2019 other 0.572659 0.129171
15061 2018-05-11 315 112000.0 2 9.1 32.4 56.4 2 14.0 14 ... NaN 0 area_1 1985.815603 4 5 2018 other 0.574468 0.161348
22309 2017-09-30 136 106000.0 1 9.0 15.5 45.0 0 10.3 16 ... 450.0 2 area_1 2355.555556 5 9 2017 other 0.344444 0.200000

5 rows × 30 columns

22.6, 20.0, 14.0, 10.3 are mistakes too. But it is hard to determine correct value.
Maybe it is better divide by groups total_area and then determine approximate values.

In [190]:
# histogram
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2df0173c8>

I corrected some apparently typos such as 27.5 -> 2.75.
I found extremely strange values such as 100m of ceiling_height, where total area is only 25.0 m2 and price overwhelmed 300000.0.
Also I found extremly small values.

Step 4.2

  • Examine the time it's taken to sell the apartment and plot a histogram. Calculate the mean and median and explain the average time it usually takes to complete a sale. When can a sale be considered to have happened rather quickly or taken an extra long time?
In [191]:
# we remember that zeros-values are None
print('We have only {:.2f} of all data with not empty days_listed'.format(
            len(data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]) /
We have only 0.87 of all data with not empty days_listed
In [192]:
print('Minimal days listed:',data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]['days_listed'].min())
print('Maximum days listed:',data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]['days_listed'].max())
# so, minimal day when appartment was in list is 1
Minimal days listed: 1
Maximum days listed: 1580
In [193]:
# build a histogram from 1 to exclude None-values
        range=[data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]['days_listed'].min(),
          data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]['days_listed'].max()],
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2dd664a88>

As I can see approximately 6500+4500+2500+1500=15000 appartments from 23700 ones have been listed (more likely have been selled) for 200 days. It is ~ 63%.

In [194]:
print('Median days listed:', data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed')['days_listed'].median())
print('Average days listed:', data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed')['days_listed'].mean())
Median days listed: 95.0
Average days listed: 180.88863436982163

Average days nearly twice higher than mean-value. That means that there is a long and/or hard tail in distribution of days_listed.
It is interesting to reveal why some appartments have been selled quicker than others.
I think that several factors could play the role: price and number of rooms. Let's check it

In [195]:
# price should be the main factor. At first let's check globally without dividing by groups.
# select apartments sold quickly (50%) and find average and mean values
print('---quick sold appartments---')
print('Median last price for quick sold appartments:',
      data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95')['last_price'].median())
print('Average last price for quick sold appartments:',
      data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95')['last_price'].mean())

# to select apartments sold slowly (50%)
print('---slow sold appartments---')
print('Median last price for quick sold appartments:',
      data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 95')['last_price'].median())
print('Average last price for quick sold appartments:',
      data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 95')['last_price'].mean())
---quick sold appartments---
Median last price for quick sold appartments: 87000.0
Average last price for quick sold appartments: 111551.61250730568
---slow sold appartments---
Median last price for quick sold appartments: 95000.0
Average last price for quick sold appartments: 139114.09529847835

So the difference is about 8%. It is a great number, when we deal with appartments.
BUT! This contrast could be explained by fact, that bigger appartments could be sold slower. And of course they are more expensive.
Let's see how many bedrooms in these appartments.

In [196]:
# group appartements by number of bedrooms
data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('bedrooms')['days_listed'].count()
1     4102
2     3549
3     2156
4      334
5       80
6       24
7       14
8        1
9        1
10       2
14       1
15       1
19       1
Name: days_listed, dtype: int64
In [197]:
# It is better to desclear a new cathegory: rooms_cat. It will include '1-room', '2-room', '3-room', 'many-room'
def fun_rooms_cathegory(row):
    room = row['bedrooms']
    if room == 1:
        return '1-room'
    elif room == 2:
        return '2-room'
    elif room == 3:
        return '3-room'
    elif room > 3:
        return 'many-room'
        return None
data_real_estate['rooms_cat'] = data_real_estate.apply(fun_rooms_cathegory, axis=1)
In [198]:
# so number of appartements in each groups
data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['days_listed'].count()
1-room       4102
2-room       3549
3-room       2156
many-room     459
Name: days_listed, dtype: int64
In [199]:
print('Share of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['days_listed'].count() / 
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['days_listed'].count().sum() * 100)
Share of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room       39.957140
2-room       34.570427
3-room       21.001364
many-room     4.471070
Name: days_listed, dtype: float64
In [200]:
# the similar table for slow sold appartements
print('Share of slow sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 95').groupby('rooms_cat')['days_listed'].count() / 
     data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 95').groupby('rooms_cat')['days_listed'].count().sum() * 100)
Share of slow sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room       32.676551
2-room       32.813110
3-room       25.994928
many-room     8.515412
Name: days_listed, dtype: float64
In [201]:
# take look of detailed price table for quick sold appartements
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['last_price'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room        71000.0
2-room        93000.0
3-room       119000.0
many-room    182000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64
In [202]:
# the same for slow sold appartements
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 95 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['last_price'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room        71000.0
2-room        94000.0
3-room       124000.0
many-room    224000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64

As I expected, share of 1-room appartements in quick group higher than in slow group. But it was mistake to think that price of 1-room appartements is different. Median values are the same. At the same time many-rooms appartement which are higher in price are sold slower.

In [203]:
# what about super fast appartments?
# 2 weeks is really fast
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 14 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['last_price'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room        72000.0
2-room        92300.0
3-room       119000.0
many-room    168000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64
In [204]:
# what about super slow appartments?
# 180 days (~half a year) is really slow
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 180').groupby('rooms_cat')['last_price'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room        71750.0
2-room        94000.0
3-room       124000.0
many-room    226000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64

So total price doesn't rule the game. Maybe it is better to look through price per meter?

In [205]:
# what about super fast appartments?
# 2 weeks is really fast
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 14 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('rooms_cat')['price2sq'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room       2043.894049
2-room       1869.357082
3-room       1758.620690
many-room    1792.424242
Name: price2sq, dtype: float64
In [206]:
# what about super fast appartments?
# 180 days (~half a year) is really slow
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('days_listed > 180').groupby('rooms_cat')['price2sq'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: rooms_cat
1-room       2000.000000
2-room       1797.802198
3-room       1758.620690
many-room    1890.798787
Name: price2sq, dtype: float64

Surprising price per meter doesn't influence on how fast appartment could be sold.
What if I get this result due to inflation?

In [207]:
# what about super fast appartments? group by year
# 2 weeks is really fast
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
     data_real_estate.query('0 < days_listed <= 14 and bedrooms > 0').groupby('year')['price2sq'].median())
Price of quick sold appartements: year
2016    1933.216783
2017    1862.909091
2018    1928.571429
2019    2094.017094
Name: price2sq, dtype: float64
In [208]:
# all appartements and all years
print('Price of quick sold appartements:',
Price of quick sold appartements: year
2014    2140.000000
2015    1868.292683
2016    1834.862385
2017    1851.301769
2018    1913.793103
2019    2066.115702
Name: price2sq, dtype: float64

It is a magic. In fact this quick sold appartements have even higher price! Maybe they have a good location and people are really want to buy them.


I found that price doesn't hardly influence on how fast appartements have been sold. I found that 1-room appartements have been sold faster. Many-rooms appartements in its turn slower

Step 4.3 Remove rare and outlying values and describe the patterns you've discovered

Am I right that I am only now remove rare data? I don't understand why I should remove them. I don't see that this data has a problem like it was in gas stations. I do it only because it is in project.
The one reason is to study typical appartments.

In [209]:
# how many of appartments have been sold too quickly? is there anomalies?
        range=[data_real_estate[data_real_estate['days_listed'] != 0]['days_listed'].min(), 30],
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2dd730308>

No, there is no any anomalies in the head. It is OK

In [210]:
# I will cut tail of days listed
# mean and standard deviation
print('Average days listed:', data_real_estate['days_listed'].mean())
print('Standard deviation days listed:', data_real_estate['days_listed'].std())
mean_days_listed = data_real_estate['days_listed'].mean()
std_days_listed = data_real_estate['days_listed'].std()

# 3-sigma filter
data_real_estate_filt_days = data_real_estate.query('days_listed < @mean_days_listed + 3*@std_days_listed')                        
Average days listed: 156.60884425503187
Standard deviation days listed: 213.54687293841351
In [211]:
print('Share of deleted rows (%):', (len(data_real_estate) - len(data_real_estate_filt_days)) / len(data_real_estate) * 100)
Share of deleted rows (%): 2.523313219967087
In [212]:
# outlying values: bedrooms

# filter bedrooms with 5+ beds
data_real_estate_filt_beds = data_real_estate_filt_days.query('bedrooms <= 5')
In [213]:
print('Share of deleted rows (%):',
      (len(data_real_estate_filt_days) - len(data_real_estate_filt_beds)) / len(data_real_estate_filt_days) * 100)
Share of deleted rows (%): 0.8094887667200554
In [214]:
# outlying values: price per square

# filter bedrooms with 5000 per square
data_real_estate_filt_price = data_real_estate_filt_beds.query('price2sq <= 5000')
In [215]:
print('Share of deleted rows (%):',
      (len(data_real_estate_filt_beds) - len(data_real_estate_filt_price)) / len(data_real_estate_filt_beds) * 100)
Share of deleted rows (%): 1.0648511826830758
In [216]:
data_real_estate_final = data_real_estate_filt_price

I have filtered outliers. Thus I can analyse typical data.

Step 4.4 Which factors have had the biggest influence on an apartment’s price?

Examine whether the value depends on the total square area, number of rooms, floor (top or bottom), or the proximity to the city center area. Also check whether the publication date has any effect on the price: specifically, day of the week, month, and year. Note that using scatter plot is preferable to hexbin. If you do decide to use hexbin, please use scatter plot too, and then compare the results. It is also recommended to check the hexbin documentation and carefully study its parameters.

I've analysed some factors: total area and number of rooms. I don't think that result have been changed.

In [217]:
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='total_area', y='last_price', style='.', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=0.1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')

Greater total_area, than greater last_price. As we filtered data, we see it on plot

In [218]:
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='bedrooms', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=0.003)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')

Results are the same as previous

In [219]:
# floor
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b2e0a324c8>
In [220]:
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='floor', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=0.01)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')

Number of Floor doesn't influence on price so strongly as total area.

In [221]:
data_real_estate_final.query('bedrooms == 1').groupby('floor_cathegory')['last_price'].median()
first    60150.0
last     64000.0
other    73004.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64
In [222]:
first    77000.0
last     84345.0
other    95000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64

So, last and the first floors has lower last price than others.

In [223]:
# city_center_dist
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='city_center_dist', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')
In [224]:

So, there are no any extremely high priced appartements far from the city center. And I see negative correlation between these parameters.

Which is understandable :)
In [225]:
# day_of_week
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='day_of_week', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')
In [226]:

Day of week does not influence at all

In [227]:
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='month', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')
In [228]:
In [229]:
data_real_estate_final.plot(x='year', y='last_price', style='o', grid=True, legend=True, alpha=1)
Text(0, 0.5, 'last_price')
In [230]:
In [231]:
2014    159000.0
2015    101340.0
2016     88600.0
2017     89800.0
2018     90000.0
2019    100000.0
Name: last_price, dtype: float64

After crysis people can't pay high price for appartement. Inflation every year after 2016 increase cost of appartement.

Step 5. Overall conclusion

Finally. I have cleared data from mistakes and outliers. I have changed type of some columns.
Price of appartements mostly depends on: total area, is appartement on the first/last floor or not and distance from the center. I have created some pivot tables and plots to show it. From year to year price of appartements changed.
It could be interesting to make more detailed investigation in each year.